The health of your mouth is inseparable from the health of your body. Everything is connected! Problems in your mouth can be indicators of other body problems such as heart diseases and dementia. Therefore, dental cleanings are essential to keep your mouth and body disease free. our experienced hygienists perform professional dental cleaning to remove the hardened buildup of plaque and tartar. This build up is removed from the surface of the teeth and above and below where the gum meets the teeth in order to prevent cavities, gingivitis, periodontal diseases, tooth loss and many other diseases. Routine brushing and flossing at home is inadequate to scrape off those stubborn buildups. If you happen to have a full denture or removable partial denture, we supplement your cleaning with a denture cleaner.
A dental filling, also known as a restoration, is used to restore the integrity and function of a tooth structure that is typically lost from caries or external trauma. Fillings can also be used to close minor spaces between teeth for esthetics purposes.
A root canal treatment is a procedure to save the tooth from extraction when the nerve tissue of a tooth (known as the pulp) is infected and filled with cavity. The dentist will remove the infected root, clean the inside of the teeth and fill it with a rubber-like material to seal the tooth. Even though the root is now dead, the tooth will keep functioning as normal because the tissues surrounding it will nourish it. Root canals are famous for being painful, however, our experienced dentist will numb your gum first and then give you the proper amount of anesthetic. This way, you won’t even feel the injection. Some complicated cases might require more than one session, but 99% of our treatments are completed in one visit. At Smile Dental Clinic, we make sure your root canal treatment is gentle and fast
Sometimes called caps, crowns completely cover a tooth, restoring a normal shape and appearance. You may need a crown to: • Cover a misshapen or discolored tooth • Protect a weak tooth • Restore a broken or worn tooth • Cover a tooth with a large filling • Hold a dental bridge in place • Cover a tooth that’s had a Root Canal • BRIDGES:Porcelain , gold alloys or combinations of materials are usually used to make bridge appliances, Bridges are used to “bridge” the gap created by one or more missing teeth. You would need a tooth on both sides of the gap for a bridge to be successful. These two anchoring teeth are referred to as “abutments” and the false teeth attached to these abutments are referred to as “pontics”. Bridges are sometimes referred to as fixed partial dentures, because they are semi-permanent and are bonded to existing teeth or implants.
Dentures are artificial replacements for your natural teeth and gums. If an accident, a disease or poor oral health care has left you with only a few healthy teeth or none at all, your dentist or prosthodontist might suggest dentures to replace your missing teeth. There are 2 types of dentures: partial and complete. For both types of dentures your dentist or specialist makes a model of your teeth by taking impressions. The models are used to custom-make your dentures. multiple visits needed to take the vertical dimensions of the face and the right relations of both upper and lower jaw with multiple trial with wax before proceed with a final denture which will help making our patient happy and satisfy.
What are dental implants? Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically inserted into your jawbone to act as an artificial tooth root. Once in place and healed, the implants are topped with an aesthetically pleasing dental crown. What’s the process? The first step in the dental implant process is to assess whether you are a good candidate. To do this, your dentist will discuss your general and oral health history. If you have advanced gum disease, some blood disorders, certain bone diseases, or poor quality of bone, you may not be a good candidate for dental implants. To assess the state of your bone a three-dimensional CAT scan is often the tool of choice. It gives the dentist detailed image of your jawbone, nerves, sinuses, and adjacent teeth, and helps with precise planning of your dental implant procedure, because it takes away any guess work of where the implant should be placed. It will also help to determine if there is a need to add artificial bone material to an area where the bone density is compromised. Once the implant is placed it needs time to heal. As it heals, your jaw bone grows around it in a process known as osseointegration. This typically takes 4-6 months, while the implant becomes an integral part of your body, as it fuses with your jawbone. Once osseointegration is complete, the implant is topped with a dental crown.
Zoom Whitening: Is it Right For You?
Zoom is a bleaching process widely used throughout the country and around the world to lighten discoloration of enamel and dentin. Tooth discolouration may result from drinking coffee, tea, cola and red wine; or from smoking. The aging process also can stain and darken your teeth. The Zoom in-office tooth whitening procedure uses the Zoom Advanced Power Chairside Lamp – said to accelerate the bleaching process – to activate the 25 percent hydrogen peroxide whitening. As the hydrogen peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin to bleach the stained substances, leaving the structure of the tooth unchanged.
Veneers are thin custom-made shells that are made of either porcelain, composite resin or dental bonding solutions designed to cover the from of your teeth. Veneers improve the appearance of your smile by covering several unwanted characteristics of your smile such as: chips, cracks, gaps, discolouration and improve an overly gummy smile. Depending on the case, veneers can be done in one or few visits.
Invisalign is a removable and transparent orthodontic system that fit seamlessly onto your teeth and straighten them. This technique uses a series of transparent medical grade plastic aligners that will exert gentle pressure on your teeth and move them to the correct position. We noticed that many adults opt for Invisalign due to many advantages: